19 research outputs found

    A coupled HMM for solving the permutation problem in frequency domain BSS

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    Permutation of the outputs at different frequency bins remains as a major problem in the convolutive blind source separation (BSS). In this work a coupled Hidden Markov model (CHMM) effectively exploits the psychoacoustic characteristics of signals to mitigate such permutation. A joint diagonalization algorithm for convolutive BSS, which incorporates a non-unitary penalty term within the crosspower spectrum-based cost function in the frequency domain, has been used. The proposed CHMM system couples a number of conventional HMMs, equivalent to the number of outputs, by making state transitions in each model dependent not only on its own previous state, but also on some aspects of the state of the other models. Using this method the permutation effect has been substantially reduced, and demonstrated using a number of simulation studies

    A hybrid algorithm for removal of eye blinking artifacts from electroencephalograms

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    A robust method for removal of artifacts such as eye blinks and electrocardiogram (ECG) from the electroencephalograms (EEGs) has been developed in this paper. The proposed hybrid method fuses support vector machines (SVMs) based classification and blind source separation (BSS) based on independent component analysis (ICA). The carefully chosen features for the classifier mainly represent the data higher order statistics. We use the second order blind identification (SOBI) algorithm to separate the EEG into statistically independent sources and SVMs to identify the artifact components and thereby to remove such signals. The remaining independent components are remixed to reproduce the artifact free EEGs. Objective and subjective results from the simulation studies show that the algorithm outperforms previously proposed algorithms

    Artifact removal from electroencephalograms using a hybrid BSS-SVM algorithm

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    Artifacts such as eye blinks and heart rhythm (ECG) cause the main interfering signals within electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements. Therefore, we propose a method for artifact removal based on exploitation of certain carefully chosen statistical features of independent components extracted from the EEGs, by fusing support vector machines (SVMs) and blind source separation (BSS). We use the second-order blind identification (SOBI) algorithm to separate the EEG into statistically independent sources and SVMs to identify the artifact components and thereby to remove such signals. The remaining independent components are remixed to reproduce the artifact-free EEGs. Objective and subjective assessment of the simulation results shows that the algorithm is successful in mitigating the interference within EEGs

    A novel semi-blind signal extraction approach incorporating parafac for the removal of eye-blink artifact from EEGs

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    In this paper, a novel iterative blind signal extraction (BSE) scheme for the removal of the eye-blink artifact from electroencephalogram (EEC) signals is proposed. In this method, in order to remove the artifact, the signal extraction algorithm is provided with a priori information, i.e., an estimation of the column of the mixing matrix corresponding to the eye- blink source. The a priori knowledge, namely the vector corresponding to the spatial distribution of the eye-blink factor, is identified by using the method of parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Hence, we call the BSE approach, semi- blind signal extraction (SBSE). The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm effectively identifies and removes the eye-blink artifact from raw EEC measurements

    Penalty function-based joint diagonalization approach for convolutive blind separation of nonstationary sources

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    A new approach for convolutive blind source separation (BSS) by explicitly exploiting the second-order nonstationarity of signals and operating in the frequency domain is proposed. The algorithm accommodates a penalty function within the cross-power spectrum-based cost function and thereby converts the separation problem into a joint diagonalization problem with unconstrained optimization. This leads to a new member of the family of joint diagonalization criteria and a modification of the search direction of the gradient-based descent algorithm. Using this approach, not only can the degenerate solution induced by a unmixing matrix and the effect of large errors within the elements of covariance matrices at low-frequency bins be automatically removed, but in addition, a unifying view to joint diagonalization with unitary or nonunitary constraint is provided. Numerical experiments are presented to verify the performance of the new method, which show that a suitable penalty function may lead the algorithm to a faster convergence and a better performance for the separation of convolved speech signals, in particular, in terms of shape preservation and amplitude ambiguity reduction, as compared with the conventional second-order based algorithms for convolutive mixtures that exploit signal nonstationarity

    Support vector machines for seizure detection

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    The development of a robust technique for automatic detection of the epileptic seizures is an important goal in clinical neurosciences. In this paper, the support vector machines (SVM) have been used for this purpose. The system detects and uses the three features of the electroencephalogram (EEG), namely, energy, decay (damping) of the dominant frequency, and cyclostationarity of the signals. The different types of epileptic seizures have shown some common characteristics in the feature space that can be exploited in distinguishing them from the normal activity in the brain or the nonepileptic abnormalities. The use of SVMs achieves high sensitivity and at the same time shows an improvement in terms of computational speed in comparison with the other traditional systems

    A filtering approach to underdetermined blind source separation with application to temporomandibular disorders

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    This paper addresses the underdetermined blind source separation problem, using a filtering approach. We have developed an extension of the FastICA algorithm which exploits the disparity in the kurtoses of the underlying sources to estimate the mixing matrix and thereafter the recovery of the sources is achieved by employing the l1-norm algorithm. Also, we demonstrate how promising FastICA can be to extract the sources, without utilizing the l1-norm algorithm. Furthermore, we illustrate how this scenario is particularly suitable to the separation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds, crucial in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs

    Non-negative matrix factorization for note onset detection of audio signals

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    A novel approach using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for onset detection of musical notes from audio signals is presented. Unlike most commonly used conventional approaches, the proposed method exploits a new detection function constructed from the linear temporal bases that are obtained from a non-negative matrix decomposition of musical spectra. Both first-order difference and psychoacoustically motivated relative difference functions of the temporal profile are considered. As the approach works directly on input data, no prior knowledge or statistical information is thereby required. A practical issue of the choice of the factorization rank is also examined experimentally. Numerical examples are provided to show the performance of the proposed method

    A geometrically constrained multimodal approach for convolutive blind source separation

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    A novel constrained multimodal approach for convolutive blind source separation is presented which incorporates video information related to geometrical position of both the speakers and the microphones, and the directionality of the speakers into the separation algorithm. The separation is performed in the frequency domain and the constraints are incorporated through a penalty function-based formulation. The separation results show a considerable improvement over traditional frequency domain convolutive BSS systems such as that developed by Parra and Spence. Importantly, the inherent permutation problem in the frequency domain BSS is potentially solve

    Localization of abnormal EEG sources using blind source separation partially constrained by the locations of known sources

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) source localization requires a solution to an ill-posed inverse problem. The additional challenge is to solve this problem in the context of multiple moving sources. An effective and simple technique for both separation and localization of EEG sources is therefore proposed by incorporating an algorithmically coupled blind source separation (BSS) approach. The method relies upon having a priori knowledge of the locations of a subset of the sources. The cost function of the BSS algorithm is constrained by this information, and the unknown sources are iteratively calculated. An important application of this method is to localize abnormal sources, which, for example, cause changes in attention, movement, and behavior. In this application, the Alpha rhythm was considered as the known sources. Simulation studies are presented to support the potential of the approach in terms of source localization